The more detailed figures received from Germany show some unexpected
results of the elections. The old " Liberal " Party, headed by Herr Richter, has practically been anni- hilated, no member belonging to it having been returned at the first ballot. The Guelphs of Hanover have also been wiped out, as a consequence, it Is believed, of the adhesion of the Duke of Cumberland ; and of the Alsatians, three, at least, are devotees of Germany. It is believed, moreover, that in spite of the deadly opposition still manifested to the Military Bills, the Government will have a small majority for them, in which case the resistance to them in Parliament will be of a comparatively feeble character. The elections, in fact, will strengthen the Monarchy, which will also benefit by the excessive subdivision of parties, not one of which can now claim a commanding position. The second ballots may alter mud], but they will not give great strength even to the Social Democrats. There are now, at least, fifteen separate groups of Members,—Conservatives, Free Conservatives, Liberals, National Liberals, Catholics, Imperialists, Social Democrats, Radicals, National Radicals, Volkspartei, Anti-Semites, South German Democrats, Poles, Alsatians, and Danes ; and in each of these groups but the last two there are free-lances.