Mr. Gladstone's Announcement Of His New Policy Was...
by the Unionist leaders, and was not denounced • at once by any party except the Parnellites ; but we can- not but think that it will be disastrous to the Govern- ment. In the......
We Regret To Note The Death Of The Rev. T.
Mozley, probably the oldest leader-writer in the world. Though he was con- nected with the whole Tractarian movement, and was for a time Newman's right hand, his real business......
Lord Randolph Churchill, Speaking At Leicester On Wednes-...
the history of the three conspicuous Irishmen who had broken their hearts over the repeal of the Union, or something equivalent to it,—O'Connell, Butt, and Parnell. Now, Mr.......
It Is Stated That The Silver Policy To Be Adopted
by the Indian Government on the recommendation of the Herschell Commission will be made public next week, and rupee paper is rising fast. According to the belief on 'Change, the......
On Thursday, Mr. Gladstone Made An Announcement In Re- Gard
to the Financial Clauses, the effect of which is to turn his Bill inside out. In the first place, the new financial arrange- ment is only to last six years, and no change will......
The Duke Of Devonshire Spoke At Henley On Monday, And
treated the Linlithgowshire by-election as a clear sign of the turn of the tide in Scotland. He said that it was declared by their opponents to have been lost by the proposal to......
The Extraordinary Success Of The Purchase Of The Suez Canal
shares, viewed as a speculation, was brought out in a state- ment made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the House of Commons on Monday night, in answer to a question by Sir......
The Papers Are All Publishing Accounts Of The Pedigree Of
the Princess May, apparently intended to make out something very grand for her in that way. In this country, they are not in the least wanted. She is in the succession, and is a......
Bank Rate, 2' J Per Cent: New Consols (2d Were On
Friday 99.......