The Princeby Ohandos : a Memoir. By John Robert Robinson. .(Sampson Low and Co.)—The "Princely Chandos " would pro- bably have been forgotten by this time but for the savage satire with which Pope attacked him under the name of "Timon." Pope, it is true, denied that he had had the Duke of Chandos and the splen- dours of his mansion, 'Canons,' in his mind ; but no one believed his denial. " Timon" was a fit object of attack. He was more than suspected of having come by his great wealth dishonestly. Speculations of doubtful morality, and peculations that wore not doubtful at all, contributed to rear the vast edifice of his fortune. He was, as Mr. Robinson tells us on his title-page, "Paymaster- General to the Forces abroad during the most brilliant part of the Duke of Marlborough's military career." One regiment that appeared on the pay-sheets could not be discovered. It was supposed to have been "taken by the enemy," but the roll of prisoners contained the name of only one private, Another regiment was put on three establishments at the same time, and, of course, paid for three times. The wealth thus acquired he spent in foolish extravagancies, now and then, it is true, doing a generous action, and sometimes showing a certain shrewdness. If any one cares to read about this worthless creature, he may find all that is to be known told in an appropriate style by Mr. Robinson. The most interesting part of the book is the indica- tions of the time which it affords. Such a scandalous affront to decency as we find on p. 161 would certainly not be tolerated nowadays.