We have dealt elsewhere with the very important and significant
news which comes from Arabia, but may record here that the Grand Shereef, who is supported by the tribes of West and Central Arabia, has actually preclaimed Arab independence of Turkey on the ground of maladministration. The revolt began on June 90, and up till now signal success has attended the forces of the Shereef. Mecca, Jeddah, and Tail have been captured, and a very consider- able number of prisoners and guns taken. Medina is closely besieged. It may be remembered that Medina is in railway com- munication with Turkey by means of the Hedjaz Railway. But the railway across the desert will be exceedingly easy to cut, if it has not been cut already. Jeddah, the port of pilgrimage on the Red Sea, is said to be securely held, and it is hoped that the Shereef may be able once more to open the pilgrimage to the Holy Placer, which have been closed during the past two years. The Morning Post in its issue of Thursday states that it is informed from a good source that the rising was probably due to the wholesale executions of Mohammedan Syrian notables and ecclesiastical and religious leaders which have lately taken place, and to Arab discontent with the abdication of the Turks in favour of their German overlords.