Place On Tuesday, November 7th, 1916. I Am Not One
of them. An one of many possibilities between this and that date may upset the most carefully constructed estimate. A great loss of American life by the action of a submarine at......
National Economy Exhibition.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sna—The National Economy Exhibition at Prince's Skating CIA% Knightsbridge, will be opened by the Lord Mayor on Monday next at noon. It is......
Wages And The High Cost Of Living.
[To THE EDITOR OE TEE " S PECTATOR." 1 Sin,—Almost every day one finds in the newspapers that the workers in some part or other of the country are calling for increased wages......
The Carlisle Experiment.
ITO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR.. 1 Snt,—Apart from the war, it is long since a more important announce- ment has appeared than that you reproduce from the Daily Chronicle that......
"down Glasses 1"—a National Campaign.
[To THS Eorros OF TUB " S:ECTATOR-1 Sur,—After the vigorous appeals which were made in your columns some time ago in favour of "Down Glasses" and prohibition during the war and......
America And The Irish Rebellion.
[To 273E EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." I Snt,—May I point out, in answer to Mr. Carlin, that the Government In dealing with the Ulster and the Sinn Fein organizations, so far from......
Great Britain And Ireland.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."' Sin,—Could you not follow up your article on Mr. Redmond's manifesto with another giving in more detail the facts and figures of the British......