24 JUNE 1916, Page 13


[To TIER EDITOR OF THE • SPECTATOR.") S111,—Many of my fellow Dublin " G.R.'s " agree with me in thinking that a curious omission has been made by not sending an invitation to us to participate in to-day's Volunteer Parade in Hyde Park, espicially those of us who were on duty and took part in the quelling of the Sinn Foin rebellion. Who is responsible 7—I am, Sir, 8ce.,

[Our correspondent has probably not noted that the Volunteer review of last Saturday was a purely London review. No corps belong- ing to a district outside the Metropolitan area was allowed to be present. The men of Kent, Surrey, and Essex woro excluded quite as rig:dly as three of Dublin. In spite, however, of this we should greatly have liked to see in Hyde Park the gallant corps which helped to put down the Sinn Fein insurrection. They would have received a vv.:13°am that none of them could ever have forgotten.—ED. Spectator.]