On Thursday week Mr. Wilson was nominated by acclamation as
Presidential candidate at the Democratic Convention. Mr. Marshall was nominated for the Vice-Presidency. Mr. Bryan spoke after all, and said that, though he had differed from Mr. Wilson on some matters of method, he "joined with the American people in applauding a President who did not want this nation to fight." Senator Jones seems to have earned most applause by comparing the prosperity of America with the misery of Europe and adding : "If that be the price of evil, vacillating neutrality, then God prosper it I " The Times correspondent says that the tone of the Convention was more pacificist than had been expected. The " platform " adopted contains, however, a stinging condem- nation of German-American activities. It also contains the aspiration that "after the war" the United States should seek to give effect to " the fundamental principle of justice and humanity that all men shall enjoy equality of right and freedom from dis- crimination in the lands in which they dwell." That is what we miserable people in Europe are fighting for.