The Daily Express of Thursday tells us that a great
effort is to be mado by the National War Savings Committee to observe the week heginningJuly 16th as a National War Savings Week. All leaders of eninion in the country are being asked to urge every citizen, if it is possible for him to do so, to purchase 15s. 6d. War Savings certifi- cates. The object is a thoroughly sound one, and should have the support of all good citizens. We venture to say, however, that it will not be a success criless a determined effort is made to establish a house-to-house canvass—supplemented, perhaps, by one in the streets analogous to the appeals to which we are accustomed under the name of "Flag Days." There would no doubt be difficulties in a street collection. At the same time, it might prove a very valuable supplement to a house-to-house canvass.