24 JUNE 1916, Page 21
READABLE NOVELS.—Brenda IValks On. By Frederick Wedmore. (Hutchinson and Co.
6s.)—A theatrical novel of the present day.— Chapel. By Milos Lewis. (William Heinemann. 6a)—The title does not refer to a place of worship, but to the story of a father and son of that name. These two characters are very ably drawn.—Hearts of Alsace. By M. Botham-Edwards. (Smith, Elder, and Co. 611.)— A timely story concerning the wrongs of Alsace. It onds with the first successes of the French in the present war.—Myeteries of the Riviera. By E. Phillips Oppenhoim. (Cassell and Co. 6s.)—A genial American, Mr. Edmund H. Martin, makes a pleasant change from the ordinary unraveller of mysteries in fiction.