Sm,—We have been consulted by Mr. P. Bligh Bond, of 39 York Terrace, N.W. 1, respecting the defamatory statements on pp. 723-724 of your issue for June 10th, 1922. Onr client has no wish to complain of fair and reasonable criticism, and has always, in fact, welcomed it, but he cannot submit to the lan- guage contained in your review of Dr. Wilkins's book. Your statement that our client was familiar with an ancient authority giving the position of the Edgar Chapel and its length as 90 feet is not true, and it follows that objection is also taken to your phrase, " unscientific dabblers in the occult." You are evidently not aware that as long ago as March 2nd 'last the book under review was called in by Dr. Wilkins from further sale, and an action for libel is now pending against him. We shall be glad to hear that you will, as early as possible, publish an apology respecting the foregoing, and give it the same proani- nence as your review.—I am, Sir, &c., BENSON, CARPENTER., CROSS, AND CO. Bank Chambers, 40 Corn Street, Bristol.
[We offer our sincerest apologies to Mr. Bligh Bond for having reviewed the book mentioned above after it had been withdrawn from circulation and had become the subject of an action before the courts. The book reached us for review through the usual channels, and so far as we can trace no notice of the withdrawal of the book er of the fact that its contents were under judicial survey was ever sent to us. While express- ing our regret in this respect we also offer our apologies to Mr. Bond for anything in the review which may have seemed injurious to him in any respect. We cannot admit that our criticism was, in fact, unfair or injurious, but since Mr. Bond considers he has cause of complaint we find no difficulty what- ever"in expressing our regret. We had no intention of injuring or defaming him in any way, and therefore we are perfectly ready to withdraw anything which may have seemed to him lacking in impartiality. If we had known of the circumstances mentioned above the hook 'would not have been noticed.—ED. Spectator.]