Never Again.! The Psychology And The Lesson Of The Band
Revolt, 1922. By Brutus (Johannesburg : Central News Agency. la).—This thoughtful and well written pamphlet sets out clearly the underlying causes of the Rand troubles and the......
Excursions In Victorian Bibliography. By Michael Sadleir....
21s. net.)—It is uncommonly interesting Excursions in Victorian Bibliography. By Michael Sadleir. (Chaundy and Cox. 21s. net.)—It is uncommonly interesting . to find a young......
Spanish Galicia. By Aubrey F. G. Bell. (lane. 7s. 6d.
net.) This charming little book by an accomplished Spanish scholar and traveller fulfils its purpose by making the reader desire eagerly to visit Galicia. Mr. Bell has a good......
History Of Holland. By George Edmundson. (cambridge...
6d. net.)—This learned and die- passionate history of Holland from the Burgundian domination down to our own times was much needed. Mr. Edmundson is one of the few English......
The Russian Turmoil. By General A. I. Denikin....
net.)—General Denikin's memoirs of the Russian Revolution cover the short but memorable period from March to August, 1917, and end with his arrest. He describes dearly, and on......
Monastic Life In The Middle Ages. By Cardinal Gasquct....
8s. 6d. net.)—Cardinal Gasquet has collected in this volume a number of stray essays, on mediaeval St. Albans, St. Augustine's, Canterbury, just before the Reformation, a......
Income Tax. By A. D. Macmillan. (effingham Wilson. 3s....
value of Mr. Macmillan's little book is shown by the fact that it has already reached a fourth edition. The author, who was a surveyor of taxes, tries to show taxpayers how they......
Tierras Amigas. Poesias De Fernando De Arteaga Y Pereira.
(Clarendon Press. 4s. 6d. net.) Coplas sin Nombre de Autor. (Same publisher, Is. net.)—The accomplished Taylorian teacher of Spanish at Oxford has published two little books of......
The Outline Of H. G. 1velle. By Sidney Dark. (parsons.
5s. net.)—A slight but entertaining study. Mr. Dark gives a clear synopsis of each of Mr. Wells's novels, and is very diligent in comparing Mr. Wells with almost every one of......