Excursions in Victorian Bibliography. By Michael Sadleir. (Chaundy and Cox.
21s. net.)—It is uncommonly interesting Excursions in Victorian Bibliography. By Michael Sadleir. (Chaundy and Cox. 21s. net.)—It is uncommonly interesting . to find a young novelist confessing that, after a course of the pessimists and the symbolists and other modern schools, he has found " in the quiet charm, in the dexterous sincerity of good Victorian fiction, a satisfaction of spirit produced by the novels of no other period of English literature." He collects Victorian first editions and, to encourage other people to do likewise, he has compiled admirable bibliographies of eight authors- Trollope, Marryat, Disraeli, Wilkie Collins, Reade, Whyte- Melville, Mrs. Gaskell and Herman Melville. He prefixes to seven of these short and appreciative essays, but has nothing to say about Mrs. Gaskell—a strange omission in the case of the most finished and artistic writer among the eight. Mr. Sadleir's lists include a great deal of information obtained privately from Mr. Bentley and other publishers, for which we should look in vain elsewhere. '