24 JUNE 1955, Page 44


WHITE. 10 mon.

WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week.

Solution to last week's problem: Q-B 2. Fine mu- tate, White aban- doning original 1 'battery' with three mates changed as result. 1 . . . Kt P x P; 2 Kt X P (set

K-Q 7). 1 Kt-K 2 or Q 3; 2 Kt-Q 6 (set K X Kt). 1 ... Kt (Kt 6) any; 2 Q xP (set 'K-B 5). Other variations unchanged.

In this week's game, White by quiet play builds up a position with considerable latent attacking power. Black solves his opening prob- lems reasonably well and develops a queen's side attack to counterbalance White's attack on the king. He fails to make the best of this, however, and then makes the further (and fatal) error of underrating the strength of White's attack (moves 20, 24). The winner is one of the best young American players, and the quiet opening followed by a violent middle game is one of the typical styles of modern play.

White, L. EVANS. Black, J. T. SHERWIN. Opening, King's Indian Attack.

I Kt-K B 3 Kt-K B 3 18 P x P x P

2 P-K Kt 3 P-04 19Q xi' Kt-Kt 37(d)

3 B.F.1 2 P-K 3 20 Q-13 2 P-Kt 6(e)

4 0-0 13-K 2 21 P x Kt-Kt 5 5 P.O 3 0-0 22 Q-B 3 ' Kt(Kt 5)-Q 5

6 Q Kt-Q 2 P-13 4 23 10-11 1 x P

7 P-K 4 Kt-B 3 24 B-Kt St Kt-Kt 57(J) 8 P-B 3(a) R-Kt 1 25 R-K 3 11-0 4

9 R-K 1 R-K 1 26 P-R 6 P-Kt 3 10 P-K 5 Kt-Q 2 27 K R-R 31 Kt-B 5 11 Kt-B 1 PI Kt 4 28 B x 13

12 P-K R 41 (b) P R 4 29 011-13 4 Q-01

R x B

13 B-B 4 B- 3 30 Kt-B 6 ch K-R 1

14 Kt (13 1)-R 2 Q-B 2 31 x PI R-B 2(g) 15 P-R 5 P-Kt 5 32 Kt(R 71-Kt 5 Q-K 2

16 Kt-Kt 4 P-R 51 (c) 33 R-R 7 x R 17 P-B 4 P P 34 R x R R-Kt 2(11 33 R-R 8 eh Resigns

(a) Not 8 P-K 5, Kt-Kt 5;9 R-K 1, Q-R 2; 10 Q-1( 2, P-B 31 with good play for Black. White therefore prepares move. If Black stops it by P-K 4, his centre and queen's wing will be under pressure, so be rightly allows it and counters on queen's sides

(b) Fine move, preparing to break up Black's king's position. (o) Threat 17 . P-R 61; 18 P x R P, P x BPI (d) Superficial move. 19 . . . 3—Q 4 or Kt-B 4—K B-Q 6l is much better

followed by P-B 5 and Kt-Kt 5 according to circumstances.