The Hulton Readership Survey, With Its Well-tended...
must be a magic garden to the statistically-minded. Even to me it offers much interest and information, especially when I compare this year's crop with those of the last two......
Last Week, In Answer To A Boast By Lord Beaverbrook's
Daily Express that during May the Express had carried more adver- tising than any other paper, Lord Rothermere's Daily Mail boasted that that was only half the story, and that......
A Spectator's Notebook
SOME YEARS AGO, when the omniscient Crawfie was about to unleash a fresh flood of detail about the private life of the Royal Family, the announcement boasted that 'only Crawfie......
'what Relevance, For Instance, Has A Compulsory Ballet To...
present strike of seamen? Obviously none.'—Observer's Political Correspondent, June 19. A hornpipe any good, then? *......
When I Was Dining In Glasgow The Other Day The
waiter brought me a tray of mustards. 'English mustard?' he inquired. and then corrected himself : 'British, I should say. One has to be careful these days.' But he looked at me......
Political Commentary
BY HENRY FAIRLIE T HE National Executive Committee of the Labour Party has just finished one of the more sensible meet- ings of its existence. It has appointed a sub-committee......
Professor Arthur Lewis's Article, 'a Policy For Labour,'...
Commentary, has caused a good deal of excitement. The Manchester Guardian devoted much of a leading article to it, commending in particular its attitude to nationalisation and......
Ninety On Sunday, Mr. Bernard Berenson Remains As Ener-...
as when he first bought I Tatti, his villa at Settignano, fifty years ago, and the routine of his well-ordered life has changed little. His correspondence with friends all over......