SIR,—Mr. K. C. Rothery (Spectator, June 3) writes of a homosexual youth `corrupting' a normal man and visualises the possibility of `a chain reaction spreading the vice' throughout a prison. While it is recognised that homosexual acts do take place in exclusively male communities such as public schools, the army, ships and prisons, all research on the sub- ject has shown that these acts are the result of cir- cumstances alid do not induce homosexuality in normal men. Mr. Rothery has only to ask himself whether he would be liable to corruption as a result of 'having a pass made at him' by a homosexual. If not, he should not so readily ascribe sexual un- selectiveness to others.
On the question of homosexual law reform, it is surely obvious that homosexuals are being driven by the law to act like any other persecuted minority. It must be remembered that homosexuals are not homosexual by choice. If the law regarding acts be- tween consenting adults were changed, we should soon hear no more of the whole business than we do of, say, Lesbianism. Does Lesbianism spread and increase because there are no laws to restrain it? Certainly not. On the contrary, women so afflicted are free to consult their friends and doctors. Most homosexuals, under great strain, are good and use- ful members of society. Many more could be so, if given the chance. The neuroses induced by fear and ostracism lie at the root of the whole trouble.—Yours