Franco's Spain
SIR, —The Madrid newspaper Pueblo of May 19 gives an account of the farewell banquet given by the Madrid City Council to the Commission of British MPs visiting Spain. In his......
St. Helena Story
SIR,—The local reporter of the St. Helena Monthly Register, quoted by Mabel Brookes, was accurate in his report that Napoleon's body was carried by 'British Grenadiers.' In view......
Am Sure I Am Not Alone In Wishing That Monica
Furlong would not make such wild and unjustified generalisations (The Christian Line,' June 10); in fact there are three matters over which I must take her to task, in just one......
Sir,—mr. Cairns's Notice Of The Play Of Daniel Filled Me
with envy. His exhortation not to miss it, however, is ironical—and not, 1 fancy, only to me. First, publicity : it was not advertised in the evening papers and underground......
Sir,—in Your Issue Of June 10 You Quote Two State-
ments about Gladstone and Disraeli, and ask what makes the quotations so essentially different. One answer is that one of the statements is true and the other untrue. In March,......
Sir, — Your Editorial Comment On The Demise .if Another...
and the reasons for the sur- vival of its contemporaries raises a question which is wider than the merits of any one particular periodical. The decline in the number of the more......
Sir, What I Object To In Jim Starling's Holiday Is
not that the characters are rough secondary modern school boys, but that the story, intended, apparently, for boys in this type of school, suggests to them that inattention and......