24 JUNE 1960, Page 4

In Exile

TilE first issue of/Africa South in Exile urges a tougher policy towards the South African Government. Moral exhortations, it points out, have no effect on the likes of Dr. Verwoerd: 'the lunatic who believes himself to be the Archangel Michael is not open to dissuasion on the point; whatever scepticism he encounters, he ascribes to ignorance or wilful self-deceit.' Restraint, on the other hand, is something the Government cannot ignore: industrial action by world trade unionism, say, or economic sanctions by the UN.

It is still being said in some quarters that restraint on this pattern is likely to do more harm to Africans than whites; but the argument is not convincing. Prisoners arc often hurt while the fetters are being struck from their wrists, but they are not likely to complain. Our only fear about the boycott when it was about to begin was that it might go off at half-cock—as indeed it did: for the first few days even well-disposed sources had to admit that it looked like being a failure. Then came Sharpeville, and there could be no further argument. The only question since has been how to push the boycott still harder.

Africa South in Exile is edited by Ronald Segal and published from 31a John Adam Street, quar- terly, at four shillings. We hope Spectator readers will give generous support to a journal which has done so much to 'stir its readers into an aware- ness of the agonies and aspirations of the many millions that make up Africa'; both by becoming subscribers, and by donating to the 'Africa South Appeal.'