-An interesting meeting was held yesterday, at - Willies Rooms, to
pro- mote the erection of a testimonial to the memory of Lord Dudley-Stuart. ,Lord Shaftesbury was the chairman : among the speakers were—the Margolis of Breadalbaue, Mr. Vernon Smith, the Reverend Mr. Boone, 11.r. Minn M.P., 'Mr. Monckton Milnes 'M.P., the Earl of Zetland, *Mr 'John Shelley, and Mt. Thomson flankey. Besides these the audience included Prince Lucien Bonaparte, Lord R. Grosvenor, Lord llatherton, M. Louis Kossuth, -Sir Robert Peel, Sir B. Hall, _Mr. Cowan M.P. Mr. Ewart M.P., Sir G. Peohell, Mr. J. A. Smith M.P., Mr. Crliveira M.P., Captain Townahend M.P., Mr. G. Bowyer 31.P., Mr. T. Dell, And Mr. Nicholay. It was resolved that a subscription should be opened for the -purpose of erecting a memorial.