24 MARCH 1855, page 15

Trtt>'-r To Tht Elan.

SAN.ITAIty REGULATIONS FOR THE SEAT OF WAR. Folkestone, 18th 'March 1855. Bra—I should think it the moral duty of every person,.and the professional duty of any person employed......

Antagonistic Infliiences To Pauperism.

London, 19th March 1855. Sua—The reply of your correspondent "A Layman" proves the existence of impressions which I was very anxious to disturb. He regards my com- plaints as......

The Woes Of War.

Sin—Those who do not join in the clamorrr against the men , who Willa misfortune to be called to direct the first operations of the disastrous war in -which we are engaged, must......

Notes And Queries.

ibTin being a favourite just now with public writers, Mr. John -Bright has no favour for them, and amongst other means of offence he has undertaken to disabuse the public as 'to......