24 MARCH 1855, Page 10



The possibility of veoeiving important intelligence this week connected with the Vienna Conferences and the seat of war, and the divided opinions that exist, have prevented any extensive dealings in Government Securities. The advance of 2s. in threCarn-market, and a return to flatness in French Stocks, have been viewed unfavourably, and the Funds have been 1 lower. The chief depression on Tuesday, when Consols for Money at one period touched 92. The appearance of a few sellers had given rise to a variety of reports, which proved mere inventions; but there has been since only a partial reaction. The market is extremely sensitive; and at a crisis like the present any rumour persisted in finds the greater credence, owing to the numerous channels of communication by telegraph now open. Today Consols were-dull bathe morning, and were done at 92f ; leaving off at 921, and for Account 92-4 3. The Funds are in a position to improve materially should any favourable intelligence be received ; as the advices from the Con- tinental cities continue most satisfactory regarding the rates of exchange ; and money in the Stock Exchange and out of doors is abundant, notwithstanding the transfer-books are closed, and the revenue pay ments are considerable. There are also continual arrivals of gold and specie, while the exports are very light. The amounts received this week have been 230,0001. from New York, 17,0001. from 'the Peninsula, 200,0001. from Australia, 235,0001. from the West Indies, and 11,5001. from Brazil. In Foreign Stocks there has been very little doing; and, with the excep- tion of Turkish, whioh has fallen 5, no alteration has occurred worthy of notice. Russian continues firm ; an according to accounts from Berlin, the ,public are eager buyers of the New Five per Cent Russian Loan of Stieglitz. From Amsterdam it is stated, that the Government have received authority from the Chambers to purchase Dutch Stock to the extent of 2,1100,000 guild- ers, or about 210,0001. Railways have suffered from speculative Bales ; and in these the operators have been guided by the state of Consols. London and South-Western have fallen IL In some lines, however, prices have been maintained ; including London, Brighton, and Smith Coast, London and North-Western, Great Western, and Midland. Lancashire and Yorkshire are 10s. higher. Foreign Shares are only a shade lower than last week ; except Paris and Rouen, which have declined 11.

A prospectus has been issued of the Geelong and Melbourne Railway Company, with an extended capital of 350,0001. in 201. shares. An interest of 5 per cent is guaranteed by the local Government for twenty-one years'; which has also granted land valued at 120,0001. for the terminus, &e. The capital was originally 200,0001., which was subscribed in the colony. -A portion of the additional amount of 150,0001. is offered on this side. The line, thirty-six miles in length, is-in an advanced state, and traffic likely to commence during the present year.

SATO/MAT, Two o'CLocx.

The English Funds have been less firm than they were in the morning, and Consols have been done at 925, leaving off at 935, and for Account 935 5. Exchequer Bills, 6 9. In Foreign Stocks, Venezuela has advanced 2 per cent.; 'the bargains have been at 25 5 6. Turkish is a shade better ; it has been done at 865 4 5 1 4. Spanish Committee Certificates mark 64 4. In Railways very little difference has occurred ; and the transactions have been of secondary importance--East Anglian, 141; -Eastern Counties, lli; Great Northern A Stock, 724,-; Ditto B Stock, 124; Great Western, 654; Lancashire and Yorkellire, 765; London and -Blackwell, 8; London, Brighton, and'Sonth Coast, 98; London and North-Western, 995; Midland, 70; North British, 295; North-Eastern—Berwick, 725; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 30; •Scottish Central, 101; South-Eastern, 62; Thames -Haven Dock-and Railway, 44; Preston and Wyre, 42; Wilts and Somerset, 90; London and Brighton New Guaranteed 6 perCent, 135 ; Midland Conso- lidated Bristol and Birmingham, 6 per Cent, 135; -Antwerp and Rotterdam, 8.5; Eastern of France, 335 ; East Indian Extension, Ill • Great Indian Peninsula, New, 15; Great Western of Canada, 175; Madras, 165 ; Paris and Lyons, 385.; Sambre and Meuse, 85. Mines--BrazilianIaaperial, (issued at Si. prem.,) 25 ; Ditto CocaesandCuiaba, -24 ; CobreCopper, 605 ; Santiago de Cuba, 65 ; United Mexican, 55. Banks—London Joint Stock, 271; New South Wales, 33}; Union of -London, 265. Miscellaneous—Crystal-Palace, 35; Van Diemen's Land, 131.

3 per Cent Consols Dtto for Account

3.er Cent :Reduced

93 1 931 4 ... shut Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 81 4 62 4 93 5 ' Few 3 per Cents shut Mexican 3 per Cents

201 1

- tong Annuities ......


-Pertnrian 41 per Cents 10 2

Bank Stock ..... shut Ditto 8 per Cents 50 4 ErchequerBills 6 9

Portuguese 4 per Cents ....

42 4 India Stock 225 8

Russian 5 per Cents

99 101 Austrian 5 per Cents. .......... 84 7 ' Ditto 41 per Cents 19 Ill .

Brazilian 5 per Cents ....... 101 8 Spanish-3 per Cents

zsi 7,1

Belgian 41 per Cents

92 4 Into Deferred

18 1 Milian v6 per Cents 102 4 Sardinian 5 per Cents 86 8

Danish-5 per Cents ...........

181 3 Swedish 4 per Cents 86 9


The English Funds are 5 higher this morning, caused by greater faith in the success of the Vienna Conference, and by the bullion return by the Bank of England showing the large increase of 579,723/. Consols for Money are 93 5, and for Account 935, R. Exchequer Bills 6 9. In Foreign Stooks, the only change is in Turkish ; which is rather better, being 80 5. Railways have responded to the rise in Consols, and have improved—Great Western, 65; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 765; Blackwell, 7/ ; North-Eastern—Ber- wick, 72.