Or 'Antra.
,After flaming up for a moment with a short original drama, which, ex- cellent in idea, and performed with a degree of finish that could scarcely be surpassed, might have gained a solid reputation at a less flickering es- tablishment, the Lyceum Theatre has suddenly closed. Those lessons in favour of a domestic life, so agreeably taught by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matthews and Mr. Charles Mathews in The Cosy Couple, and so admi- rably illustrated by the choicest of scenes, could not arrest the progress Of a fatality which ever seems to hang over one of the molt elegant houses in London.
" Durum : sad levies fit patentia Quiequid corrigere est nefas."
So.does wet think Mr. :Charles Mathews. It is not with mere patience, but with active energy that he would encounter adversity. An announce- ment published in the Times expresses his .desire of meeting with a gen- tleman with a moderate capital to join him in the toils of management. What gentleman in search of an investment could resist an invitation like this ? Consols pay but 3 per cent, while the Lyceum Theatre— the imagination can suggest nothing short of Aladdin's lamp. The Lyceum at all events has Obtained an euthanasia by its Cagy Couple. " Euthanasia," did we say ?—possibly while out band is en- gaged in writing the epitaph, the indomitable defunct has started up as vivacious as ever, and the walls are shaking with roars of laughter and applause.