M. Dupe, the great concocter of dramas for the Ambigu-Comique, who in his Priere des Nailrage's forcibly exhibited all the unpleasantness of sinking through melting ice, has hit upon a horror of a contrary de- scription. The sufferers are shut up in a mine, and the mine falls upon them. The five-act piece written up to this effect is entitled Atuird is Minsur.
M. Alexandre Dumas fils having shone with dazzling lustre in'the Dame aux Camellias as the dramatist of "Loretto life," and having thence wan- dered into the region of sinners in good society as represented -by Diane de Lys, now retraces his steps half-way, and produces a comedy-ealled .Le .Denii-Montle,—that is to say, the World of Demireps. The Gymnast is the happy theatre that has brought this new treasure to light ; and the heroine, who reigns supreme in the border-land of society, is played by Madame Rose Cheri.