A report by Messrs. Cole, Playfair, and Redgrave, dated the 15th in- stant, "on the results of the preliminary measures adopted for transmit- ting works of industry and art to the Paris Universal Exhibition," brings up our knowledge of what has been done to a recent date. The total space demanded by England in the first instance was upwards of 348,625 square feet. Of this, however, only 162,000 have been allotted; but this exceeds, by about the odd 62,000, the space assigned to France in our Ex' liibition. The collection will be distributed in three different buildings; the raw produce and machinery in one, the fine arts in another, only the manufactures proper in the " Palais de 1'Industrie" itself. As re- gards the works of art, private proprietors are stated to have responded liberally to the request of Government,for a loan of them ; and it is hoped that, on the whole,- a just and ample display of the fine art of the United Kingdom has been obtained." Works by artists who died before June 1853 are excluded by the Imperial regulations. The sum voted by Parliament for organizing the collection and transmission of the British contributions was 50,0001., and the works of art are insured for more than 130,0001.
Lists of exhibitors and their articles, amounting to 3334, are appended to the report, together with some plans ; but the Fine Art section is not included, although the report seems to intimate that it was to have been so.