In Parliament on Thursday, March 15th, Lord Newton raised the
question of the censorship of cinematograph films and , Lord Lamington questions of the Aden Protectorate. Discussions followed which were useful and informing, but quite inconclusive. In the House of Commons the First Lord of the Admiralty introduced the Naval Estimates. We deal elsewhere with the political side. Mr. Bridgeman brought out the extent to which we are carrying on the reduction of the Navy from the standards of 1914, as well as from the size to which they had swollen at the Armistice, and our readiness to continue. Now, so far as the programme laid down in 1925 went, the effect of the present plans for cruisers is " to cut out of the two years 1927-28 one year's building." All this was not cheerful for dockyard workers, but employment there, though less in quantity, was far more stable.