24 MARCH 1928, page 17

The Suez Canal [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sui,—i

am very glad to see in your article on , the Egyptian situation a definite suggestion that one factor in the solution of what may become a dangerous problem might well be the......

Faith And Fasting [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] .

Sin,—When a hitherto apathetic person ".gets religion," _he usually behaves as though it had been reserved for him to discover and expound the full benefits of Christianity.......

The Distress. In South Wales [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.] have read with deep interest the article by Mr. F. Yeats-Brown in your issue of February 18th (p. 219), and although I agree with his conclusions I would like to......

The Steel-trap Disgrace To The Editor Of The Spectator.

SIR, —Since I have lived in a " Steel Trap Country " I have observed that the lazy man, who is not a true artist at rabbit-catching, gets the required result by the use of steel......