24 MARCH 1928, Page 31

We have received the first number of a new art

magazine, Pantheon, edited by Dr. 0. von Falke of Berlin and Professor Mayer of Munich, where it is published by Messrs. Bruckmann (86 marks yearly). The many superb reproductions, both in black-and-white and in colour, of pictures, tapestrieS, furniture, and silverware are noteworthy, and it must be said that the illustrations are well chosen and the text competently written. Dr. Hofstede de Groot's account of a genuine and beautiful Rubens sketch which was sold at Christie's in 1924 for sixty guineas is interesting both in itself and as a proof that bargains are still to be had in the very Mecca of dealers and connoisseurs. Pantheon should prosper ; .an . English version of the German

text is supplied. * * * *