24 MARCH 1928, Page 38

General Knowledge Questions ThE prize of one guinea which the

Editor offers each week for the best set of thirteen general knowledge questions has been awarded this week to Lord Meath for the following :- 1. What is the origin of the word " ember " in speaking of "ember weeks " ?

2. Who said, " A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion " ?

3. Who was the last Hapsburg Emperor of Germany, and when did he surrender the title ?

4. What is a " Barmecide feast," and how did the phrase originate ? 5. Why is a certain lead printing type called " brevier " ? 6. Name the countries of which Oslo and Tallinn are respectively the capitals.

7. What is the origin of the name " Cheapside " ?

8. " Where London's column, pointing at the skies, Like a tall bully, lifts the head, and lies."

Who wrote the above, what is London's Column, and why is it said to lie ?

9. Where did Solomon's Navy find gold, and how much did they bring him ? 10. What great man was nicknamed " Father Violet " 11. When and where did Nelson lose his right arm ? 12. " When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman ? " Who is said to have used these words and when ? 13. " It is a wonderful place . . . this London . . and what do I know of it ? " Who said this ?

Answers will be found on page 482.