24 MARCH 1928, Page 42


The British Insulated Cables must be ranked amongst those concerns which add to the attractiveness of industrial shares generally. Earnings have shown great steadiness, the profit for the past year being 1809,000 as compared with £608,000 for the previous year, and a dividend is announced making 15 per cent. for the year on the Ordinary Shares. Moreover, this substantial dividend is also accompanied by a con- servative policy, the sum of £200,000 having been transferred to the lEteseric, bringing that Fund up to 1900,000, or if a special Reserve isincluded, the total is £1,050,000. There is also an increase in the carry forward from 1272,000 to 1308,000. The favourable impression created by the Report will be strengthened by the statements at the meeting, when the Chairman, commenting upon the growth of the company during the past twenty-five years, stated that the number of employees has grown from 2,150 to 8,200, and wages and salaries 'from £232,000 to £1,023,000.