The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland was opened on Thursday, with due ceremony, by Lord Belhaven, the Queen's High Commissioner. The Moderator elected by the Assembly is Dr. Crombie, minister of the parish-church of Scone. Dr. Bell, the late Moderator, vin retired, Dr. Crombie took the chair, and the Assembly proceeded to business.
The Free Church Assembly commenced its parallel sittings at the same time. The new Moderator is Dr. Thomas M'Crie, of Edinburgh.
The 'United Original Secession Synod has just concluded its sittings. A considerable portion of its time was occupied with the consideration of prevailing practical evils; and resolutions were adopted condemnatory of theatres, and of Saturday evening concerts, expressing indignation and dread at the music mania at present existing, denouncing oratorios as a da- ring profanation of sacred things; and condemning the use of instrumental mune in churches, and the circulation of Popish symbols, such as the cross, the crucifixion, and other devices, throughout the community.— Scotsman.
The strike of colliers in the West is likely to be permanently damaging to their own interests : their continued refusal to work is causing the importation of numbers of men from the agricultural dis- tricts, who, after enjoying the comparatively high pay of colliers, are not likely to resume their former occupations; hence greater competition, mid lower. wages. The turn-outs have recently exhibited some violence, attempting to prevent by force any of their body continuing their labour.
In the High Court of Justiciary, last week, Jacob Christiansen, formerly a ahipbroker of Leith, was convicted of forging seven bills of exchange, amounting in all to 37701. All these bills were in circulation at one time. It was urged that the bills had been forged by Wilson, a man who had been outlawed, and Petersen, a person who had fled the country, with whom Christiansen had dealings in accommodation bills ; but not a particle of evidence was produced to support the aseertion. Christiansen was sentenced 10 be transported for life.