The Appointment Of Sir Henry Barkly To Be Governor Of
the colony of Victoria is as great a triumph to the principles of co- lonization which we have uniformly supported, as was the ap- pointment of Sir William Molesworth to a seat......
A Delicate Question Has Been Raised By One Of The
subjects of otir faithful ally " d'outre Manche." In the beginning of 1855, M. Fortoul, Minister of Public Instruction, sent a certain Baran de liammcourt to the Crimea, in......
Law-amendment Continues To Move In Both Houses, Though...
On the default of the Lord Chancellor's Church Discipline Bill, Mr. Phillimore has introduced into the House of Commons a bill to transfer judicial• appointments in pertain of......
Watts Out Rurtgaugn In Vaxliamtut.
PRINCIPAL BTEIHESS OF THE WEEK. limas or Loans. Monday. May 19. Central America; Lord Clarendon's State- ment—India ; Lord Albemarle's Motion—Marriage-Law Amendment ; Lord......
The Completion Of The Loan Was An Affair So Perfectly
facile that it scarcely gave an occasion for a remark in the process, and it affords none in the record.. The City gentlemen were punctual to the hour appointed at the Treasury......