On Monday there was a numerous attendance of capitalists at the Treasury, interested in the biddings for the new Loan of 5,000,0001. The Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Bank were present. Messrs. Rothschild's tender was the only one offered. Before it was presented, the Chancellor of the Exchequer was asked whether the rate of interest on Exchequer Bills would be increased, as that might make a difference in the terms. The reply was, that it was a question which at present could not be decided. Messrs. Rothschild's offer was at the rate of 1081. Three per Cent Consoli- dated Annuities for every 1001. in money-equal to about 92 in Consols : this was less than the minimum fixed by the Government, 1071. 108. 7d.- equal to 93 ; but Messrs. Rothschild accepted the terms after a few moments' consideration. The applications for the loan are said to have amounted to 40,000,0001. The surplus deposits were returned on Tuesday ; and pro- duced great ease in the money-market, the more so from the knowledge that the advances made by the Bank at the time of paying the deposit were for fourteen days, andwill therefore not be repayable for a week. Loans for short periods have been obtained at 3 per cent on the Stock Exchange, and in the discount-market money is very abundant. The price of the new Scrip, com- pared with Consols, will be partly regulated by the rate of interest that may rule from the present time until September, when the last paynient will be made. Consols being 941, and the Scrip having been issued at 93, the dif- ference is 11. 6a. per cent ; 1001. Scrip representing 1071. 10s. 7d. Consols. In estimating its value, the profit of 11 on 71. 108. 7d., and interest saved between the payments, must be added, and would show the Scrip to be worth 21. 2s. 10d. premium. After the meeting on Monday, the Scrip was first quoted 11 premium; it has since reached 21, and is now 14 2. The Funds have been very firm this week. On Monday they rose per cent ; and on Tuesday there was a further improvement of 1, through the financial statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Monday. Con- sols reached 941: a few slight fluctuations have since occurred : today there is very little alteration, they leave off at 941 I, and 941 4 for Account. Ex- chequer Bills have rallied 48. this week. India Stock has improved 5, and Bank Stock 31 ; both are very firm. An impression that the Bank would equalize the rate of discount on long and short bills has been realized ; the rate for bills having more than sixty days to run was reduced _yesterday from 7 to 6 per cent. The French Funds have declined 1. The Corn- market has been lower.
Gold continues to be taken to the Bank. The gold and specie arrivals have been 180,0001. from the West Indies, 190,5701. from New York, and 347,4281. from Australia. The shipments of specie for India by the Pera amounted to 639,242/. ; nearly the whole was silver. In Foreign Stocks, some activity has been shown. The report of in- telligence from Buenos Ayres of a new proposal for arrangement of the Fo- reign Debt continues to create a demand, and there has been a further rise in the Stock of 3 per cent. The following have also improved-Spanish Three per Cents, 14; Austrian, Dutch, and Portuguese, 1 ; Turkish Four per Cents, and Mexican, 1.
In Railways, the operations have been more extensive. On Monday they advanced 5a. to 108. ; and there has been since a further rise. Today there is very little difference, except in Great Western, which has declined IL, closing heavily at 594 60. Compared with last Saturday, the following im- provement is shown-Lancaster and Carlisle, 31. ; East Lancashire, and Edinburgh and Glasgow, 11. ; Midland, 15s. ; London and South-Western, 10s.; London and North-Western, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 68. Fo- reign Shares have been firm-Paris and Orleans, 2L ; Paris and Lyons, 11. 158. ; Western and North-Western of France, 11. • Great Indian Penin- sula, 10s. ; and Eastern of France, 5s. higher. In &eat Central of France , and Northern of France, there has been a decline of U.
The English Funds are steady this morning. Consols for Money are 9411, and for Account 9411. Exchequer Bills 4 1 discount. Consol Scrip 14 21 premium. The bullion return by the Bank of England exhibits an increase of 23,2831. In Foreign Stocks there is no difference. Buenos Ayres continues firm at 76 9. Railways have not altered, and there is very little doing in them-Great Western, 591; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1021; Midland, 771 ; Norfolk, 55.
3 per Cant Consols Ditto for Account ..._ .......
3 per Cent Reduced New 3 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock 94 93 93 3 - 2154 6 64 Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian 44 per Cents Ditto 3 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents
9416 94 234 77 54 50
6 4 9 6 2 Exchequer Bills 3 dis.par Russian 5 per Cents 104 6 India Stock 232 6 Ditto 44 per Cents 94 6 Austrian 5 per Cents 90 3 Spanish. 3 per Cents 46 4 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Ditto Deferred 254 f Belgian 44 per Cents 94 6 Sardinian 5 per Cents 93 5 Chinon 6 per Cents 103 5 Swedish 4 per Cents 87
Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Turkish 6 per Cents 984 9 Ditto 3 per Cents 83 5 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 1 4 34
The Oriental Bank Corporation have declared a dividend at the rate of 10 per cent per annum. The progress of business is satisfactory.
The proprietors of the Royal Mail Steam Company on Thursday elected new Directors in the place of those who resigned.
At an adjourned meeting of the Victoria Dock Company, on Thursday, the lease to Messrs. Pete and Co. was approved. It was shown that the business of the dock is increasing rapidly.
The East India Company have authorized the Great Indian Peninsular Railway to issue shares for an additional million of capital, with a guaran- teed interest of 5 per cent.
The Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada have just declared a dividend at the rate of 74 per cent per annum.
Trade is flat at St. Petersburg ; the transactions in both exports and im- ports are small.
CRYSTAL PALACE.-Return- of admissions for six days ending Friday May 16, including season-ticket-holders, 21,268. SATURDAY, ornt o'Cincir. The English Funds have improved a shade since the morning ; Consols leave off at 941 4 for Money, and 944 4 for Account. Exchequer Bills are Is. higher ; they are now 3 discount par. Consol Scrip 2 4. In Foreign Stocks, ir urkish Four per Cents have advanced 4. Spanish Certificates have been done at 64. In Railways rather higher prices have been asked-Bristol and Exeter, 881 ; Eastern Counties, 10 ; Great Northern, 954 ; Great Western, 60 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 901 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 1024 ; London and North-Western, 1014; London and South-Western, 951 ; Mid- land, 771 - North-Eastern-Berwick, 81; Ditto York, 571 ; South-Eastern, 711 ; Mill and Selby Half-shares, 521; Preston and Wyre, 46 ; East Indian, 231; Great Indian Peninsula, 221.; Great Western of Canada, 264; Northern of France, 461. Mines-Brazilian Imperial St. John del Rey, 26 . General, 154. 'Joint Stock Banks-Australasia, 971. ; Bank of Egypt, fkluEtenglish, Scottish, and Australian Chartered, 17 ; London 651 ; London Chartered Bank of Australia, 181; London Joint Stock, 32 ; ' Lon- don and Westminster, 491 ; Union of Australia, 72; Union of London, 294 ; Western of London, 46. Miscellaneous-Canada Government 6 pet Cent January and July, 1124 ; General Screw Steam Shipping Company, 14; Peel River Land and Mineral, 3; Van Diemen's Land, 164.