_Benedict's annual concert is generally of the " monster "
species ; presenting an enormous bill and a host of performers. But this year Benedict has had the aid of his steady friend Madame Goldschmidt Lind, herself a host ; and her name filled Exeter Hall to overflowing on Wednesday evening. Jenny Lind sang several things, all of a very light description, but well calculated to display her beautiful voice, brilliant execution, and graceful animated manner. One of them was a pretty duet with Belletti, containing Styrian melodies, in which she imitated charmingly the clear bell-like sounds which are characteristic of the Alpine music. And another was Meyerbeer's little French duet " La Mere Grand," *—a quaint dialogue between a girl and her vigilant old grandmother,—in which Viardot was the old woman and jenny the young one. It was charming, and raised shouts of pleasure.
Madame Puzzi had a crowded and fashionable concert at Willis's Rooms on Monday morning. This lady, once a singer of note, enjoys extensive patronage as an excellent vocal instructor, of the Italian school. She was assisted by the principal performers of Her Majesty's Theatre, with a few additions, of whom Herr Pischek (just arrived in England) Was one.
• Not " Grande."