24 MAY 1919, Page 12


SPLOTATOR.") S IR,—With reference to your interesting article on Bolshevism and the subsequent correspondence, I hope I may be allowed to remark that the held is so vast that, with the efforts which are being made to co-ordinate, there is very little chance- of different Societies hampering one another in their work. It is not the jostling which results from over-enthusiasm but apathy against which we have to contend. Information which reaches us from many sources reluctantly leads us to the con- clusion that the danger which threatens from the anarchically inclined is very much greater than the general public is aware of. It is not the present strength of this section of society !Lich we fear, but the diabolically efficient organization which will undoubtedly enmesh numbers in its toils at the opportune moment, unless it is met by counter-organization, and it is in order to build up this counter-organization that we appeal to all to supply us both with funds and with offers of personal service.