24 MAY 1919, page 1

It Was A Reasonable And Natural Act On The Part

of the Allies to extend the period of grace. Any really practical suggestion which the Germans may have to make ought to be considered in our own interests as well as in theirs,......

We Sincerely Hope That The Germans Will Have The Good

sense to sign the Treaty, though Marshal Foch is credited with the belief that they will refuse. By May 29th they will have discovered that their efforts to divide the Allies......

The Public Mind Has Been So Much Occupied With The

terms to be imposed on Germany that there has been little enough discussion of the Peace terms for Austria, Turkey, and Bul- garia. The Austrian delegates arrived at St.......

The Dual Monarchy Was An Organized System For Oppressing...

races, and even this was not done with the scientific accuracy of the Prussians. There is something particularly sordid in the spectacle of injustice that does not even know how......

The Polish Government Now Hold Themselves Freed By Force Of

circumstances from the Paris arrangement. For the moment there does not seem to be much chance of a cessation of the fighting between the Poles and the Ukrainians which has been......

Mr. Asquith Made Important Speeches At Newcastle On...

Saturday of last week. We have written at length else. where on what he said about Lord French's indiscretions and the ammunition famine of 1915. We turn here to other matters.......

Everything, In Our Opinion, Must Depend Upon How Strongly...

expresses this wish, if she does express it, To reject an unmistakable popular demand on the part of Austria to join her fellow-Germans in Germany would be opposed to the......

Newts Of The Week.

MITE avalanche of German Notes about the Peace Treaty shows no sign of ceasing. As a concession to this passion for writing Notes, the Allies have consented to allow Germany......

Meanwhile There Are Causes Of Anxiety In Various Parts Of

the world. The state of Poland is very uncertain. M. Paderewaki, the Polish Prime Minister, has resigned, evidently because he finds popular opinion opposed to the promises he......

As Regards The Peace Treaty, Mr. Asquith Said There Were

two tests by which it must be judged, a false teat and a true test. The false test was to compare it with any Treaty a victorious Germany might have imposed. To take a model of......

I S S The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he trill do his beet to return contributions in case of rejection.......