24 MAY 1919, Page 15



&EL—May I again ask you to be so good as to allow us to make the following appeal for the Gomehall Clergy Rest, now at Albury, in your influential paper P The house has "carried on " during the war in spite of the greatest difficulties, but it is now absolutely necessary for us to throw ourselves upon the generosity of the public. The recent loss of some very kind friends makes it imperative for us to get new subscribers. The Bishop of London has recently called the attention of Church- people to the straitened circumstances in which so many of the clergy have to live. Most Churchpeople little realize the difficult financial condition of many of the clergy through the reduced purchasing-power of money. The Hon. Secretary is constantly having letters with the request that intending visitors may be received at reduced fees, but how is it possible to do this without running into debt unless we get greatly increased help ? An extra £150 is required immediately, and cheques should be sent to the Hon. Secretary, Weston Lodge, Albury; or to J. E. C. Borden', Esq., Hon. Treasurer, The National Provincial and Union Bank of England. Notting Hill

Gate, London, W. 11.—I am. Sir, do., W. 0. E. GRATIMLIIT (Oh behalf of the Committee).

St. Alban"' Vicarage, Chiswick, W. et