24 MAY 1919, Page 15


(To sac EDITOR or me " ancrnres."1 Sra.—Voluntary workers are greatly needed just now in Totten- ham by the local Charity Organization Society, which deals with problem. affecting the poor among a large working-clam population of one hundred and fifty thousand. A great oppor- tunity is offered to those who, after the war, are willing to devote themselves to social mercies. Clerical assistance and visiting are especially needed, and any help one day a week or more will be of great value to the work, which is full of interest. Tottenham is easily reached by tube. and. tram, 'bus sr rail. Every information will be given by the. Secretary, 2 South Side, The Green, Tottenham.-1 am, Sir, &c., F. Prez, Chairman. St. Anne's Tlearaoc, South Tottenham, IV .15.