24 MAY 1919, Page 2

In our leading article about Mr. Asquith's speech we have

suggested that there seems to be some motive behind the great desire of the Northcliffe Press to strike the first blow in a public controversy. 'In this connexion we notice a remarkable state- ment in the Daily Express of Wednesday. The Daily Express said :- "Silence can no longer be kept. We are perfectly aware, for instance, of the main reason which inducted the Government to send Lord Kitchener to Paris. Lord French's language was such as to make Ministers believe that he contemplated retiring under the guns of our Fleet and leaving our Allies to shift for themselves. Lord Kitchener went out to prevent the very possibility of such an act of moral desertion."

Even if Lord French's message to the Government will not bear that interpretation, it may well be that the North. cliffe Press wishes to anticipate any such interpretation— for it would bring credit to Lord Kitchener.