24 MAY 1919, Page 3

The papers of Tuesday published the Report of Lord Ask-

with's Commission which was appointed, on the invitation o

the Standing Committee of the Y.M.C.A., to investigate the charges brought by the Bishop of Swansea against the Y.bLC.A. in regard so their administration of war funds. The result of the investigation is a complete vindication of the Y.M.C.A. The Commission report that the War Emergency Fund is solvent, and all the evidence shows that the moneys entrusted to the Y.M.C.A. have been spent for war purposes. The prices charged in the huts and canteens under military control have been those fixed- by the military authorities, and no enormous profits have been made. The trading profit• has in all cases been used for the benefit of the troops. The Commission conclude their Report with the following comment : " The evidence shows that the work of the Y.KC.A, was highly appreciated by the troops, and the grumbling of some individuals was only what is to be expected in the ease of every large institution. No good ground for such grumbling was indicated to us."