SUNDAY, MAY 26th stit,--It must be a matter of deep
thankfulness that the heads of the Christian Churches throughout this land have unanimously decided to call the nation to prayer and penitence on Sunday, May 26th. As a parish priest, who has had to take part in previous summonses to days of prayer, I write to express the hope that Sunday, May 26th, will be really observed, in the truest sense of the word, by all who believe in God and spiritual values. So many of these calls to prayer are observed in a half- hearted kind of way. Is it not possible for all Christian people throughout the land, and let us hope the Empire, to observe the day suitably? Let us put aside all social engagements and see that the Lord's Day is recognised by everybody, that those who are in the habit of attending church on Sunday morning will be in their accustomed placed on Sunday evening also and vice versa. I want to plead for the setting aside of everything that is frivolous and un- necessary. And I would even go so far as to ask that the B.B.C. should make its contribution to this end by not distracting people from the worship of God, but by so altering their Sunday pro- grarrune that it will emphasise throughout the day the nature of the spiritual conflict upon which we are engaged.
Let us concentrate on seeking from God the grace of a very real repentance, expressed in deed as well as words, so that He may bestow upon us those heavenly spiritual resources which alone can conquer the evil forces expressed in the modern totali- tarian States with their lust for power. Let us then as a nation bend our wills to His Will, for thus alone can we become His channels through which His Kingdom may be established, and so bring nearer the day when Christ shall be enthroned as Lord.—I am, Sir, yours, P. T. R. Knuc, Vicar of Christ Church, Westminster, Proctor in Convocation.
Christ Church Vicarage, Westminster, S.W. I.