In Spite Of The Daily References To The Fifth Column
peril a good many people are still enquiring about the origin of the term. It dates from the Spanish Civil War, when at a certain crisis General Franco observed that he had four......
When A Daily Mail Representative Interviewed Air Vice-...
the head of the Royal Canadian Air Force and chief organiser of the Empire Air Training scheme, he was greeted with the question, " This is for the people back home, isn't it? "......
The Attacks On What It Is Fashionable In Some Quarters
to style " the old men of Munich " seem rather damp squibs in the light of M. Reynaud's action in calling General Weygand and Marshal Petain to be the saviours of France. Who......
It Is Tragic That The University Library At Louvain Should
have been destroyed for the second time in quarter of a century, and by the same unhallowed hands. After the last war the noble work of re-stocking the library was organised by......
A Spectator's Notebook
A GOOD many people have been perplexed and disturbed by some figures of American aircraft production given by Raymond Gram Swing in a broadcast some three weeks ago. According......
If The B.e.f. Can Manifest The Same Stubborn Obduracy Which
so conspicuously distinguishes the B.B.C., the issue of the war should be secure. What I have in mind in particular are the news bulletins, especially " the nine o'clock news."......
No One, I Think, Has Noted, What A Leading Historian
pointed out to me the other day, that in his slaughter of the aristocrats Mr. Churchill, himself a grandson of the seventh Duke of Marlborough, has shown himself little less......
To Defeat Parachutists
T HE whole country from Land's End to John o' Groats has become parachute-conscious. Its imagination has been grimly stirred by the stories of German soldiers, disguised in......