24 MAY 1957, Page 25


o'er Egypt's dark sea' love' (Yeats) (7). ACROSS

1 Though musical, the German has task at school (7).

5 What a fall for the hairdresser! (7)

9 This writer seems to have anticipated nuclear age (7).

10 'Sound the loud (Moore) (7).

11 Stage personages first at the tape (7, 3).

12 Showing signs of weariness, Iris? (4) 13 Brutus missing the vehicle (3).

14 It seems to make game of the P.M.G. (7, 4). 17 Cheer all ten when all strung up (11).

19 It comes twice from Rome (3).

20 'There's a little red-faced man, which (Kipling) (4). 22 It was not for Dr. Johnson to with his Sovereign (l0).

26 They make sure with gas (7).

27 Yap (3, 4).

28 'She loved me for the — I (Shakespeare) (7). 29 Fish wriggling round a donkey (7). had passed' a menial is the DOWN

1 What do photographers want, that's the point? (5) 2 The last character to submit to food rationing (9).

3 'A pity beyond all — is hid in the heart of

4 Zero takes flight (5).

S Hugh Walpole's edifice (9).

6 Matters of resistance requiring no stamp (4).

7 The fairy at fifty is in danger (5).

8 Ambassador enveloped in things from Rome (9).

13 How one might expect a hard geological treatise to be? (9) 15 The flower of reflection, perhaps (9). bandy them 16 Indispensable among musicians (9).

18 Furious, were they? Ireland appears to agree (7). 21 'In what furnace was thy -?. (Blake) (5)

23 It's in the make-up of a slim pelican (5).

24 They seem absorbent old districts (5).

25 Unruffled with no compass point (4).

Two prizes will be awarded: a copy of the De Luxe edition of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary sad a book token for one guinea. They will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened after noon on Juno 4 and addressed: Crossword No. 941, 99 Gower St., London, WCI.

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary, New Version, is recommended for Crosswords. Solution on June 7 Solution to No. 939 on page 691

The winners of Crossword No. 939 are: MR. R. W. PAGE, 224 Bournemouth Road, Easticigh, Hants., and Ma. ALAN CASH, 4 Wood Green Road. Wednesbury, Staffs.