24 MAY 1957, page 13

Mr. Churchill And The Press Council

SIR,—Sir Linton Andrews in the course of a dis- cursive letter to the Spectator makes a number of points, only one of which I feel it necessary to challenge. Sir Linton states......

Doctors' Pay Sill.—i Was Interested To Read The Letter From

Angry Old Practitioner giving his view of the changing face of General Practice. I thought he gave a fair and moderate account of the picture as he sees it. How- ever,- another......

Letters To The Editor

Battle of Jutland Admiral Sir W. M. James, Ludovic Kennedy Doctors' Pay Sad Young Practitioner Mr. Churchill and the Press Council Randolph S. Churchill Schools Tomorrow J. Hood......

Sir,—sir Robert Boothby Has Cited Various Dis- Tinguished...

have condemned Jellicoe's tactics at Jutland : Churchill, Admiral Richmond and the captains of certain ships taking part. It would be equally possible to cite other authorities,......

Consuming Interest

By LESLIE ADRIAN T is almost impossible to be stranded over- Inight in Brighton, Blackpool or Bournemouth. You can arrive unexpectedly at any of these ad j mirable resorts and......

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