Sir: Mr Swanton (Letters, 10 May) shoul4 know that it is as absurd to condemn s porters of Mr Powell's arguments because some hooligans have assaulted innocent Indians and Africans as to condemn all students because left-wing louts have kicked the wife of a visiting MP at Leeds University. Neither Mr Powell nor supporters of his views will defend these actions.
But we do fear for our country, and, as a recent survey of letters received by Mr Powell clearly indicates, our concern is that an alien culture, with no desire to integrate, and with no loyalty to this country, now resides in our midst. This is not racialism. It is sheer common sense and our duty to our children : to pre-
serve for them what we have inherited and fought for. It may be too late already, but we can stop its getting worse by preventing all further immigration. And this the Government will not do.