Crossword No.1327
Across 1 Just the ticket for a tired soldier (6) 4 It comes twice a month, and on the nail! (4-4) 9 Wine for the bird! (6) 10 He must have a beautiful eye (8) 12 Instrument of......
Chess No. 388
PHILIDOR P. F. Blake (1st Prize, The House, 1898). White to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 387 (Guidelli): B - K 5, threat Kt - B 6. 1 . . . B......
No. 500: The Winners
COMPETITION Trevor Grove reports: Inviting suggestions may be the first step down the treacherous path that leads to professional suicide: but at least the risk of asking......
No. 502: Psychoan-alice-is
Freud went to Greek mythology for his psycho- analytic symbols, the Oedipus complex and all that. Suppose he had turned to Alice in Wonder- land instead? Competitors are invited......