haw. 994 281 so 95 (Last Official Quotation daring the Week eadieg Friday Evening.1 Austrian Belgian Ditto Brazilian Buenos Ayres
lip. Cl 41 21
95 42 Massachusetts (Sterling)...6 p.Ot.
Mexican 5 ■
Michigan s - Mississippi (Sterling)... 8 - New York (1858) ..... 0 - Chilian 6
Ohio .
Danish 3 71 Pennsylvania 5 - Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) . -21 - 6 ii Peruvian 4 - Ditto 4 821 Portuguese a - French 3
Ditto 3 - Ditto 5 - ESL 55e. Russian 6 Indiana (Sterling) 5 - .-- Spanish s - Illinois 6 - — Ditto 3 - Kentucky
Ditto (Passive)
Louisiana (sterling) 5 -
89 Ditto (Deferred) . .
Maryland (Sarnia ) 5 - 88
Teueznela Active .
(Last Official Quotation d wring the Week ending Friday Evening.)
Caledonian Edinburgh and Glasgow Eastern Counties Great Northern Great North of England Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Hull and Selby Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster ana Carlisle London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Midland.
North British South-eastern and Dover South-western York, Newcastle, and Berwick
York and North Midland . Daces-
East and West India London St. Katherine
BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, esp. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 17th day of Nov. 1849. 1831711 DEPARTMENT.
Notes leseed £29,209,295 Government Debt ...... Ell e15,100
Other Securities 2.984,900 Gold Coln and Bullion 14,932,218 Silver Bullion 277,577 £29,209,255 £29,209,125 BANKING DEPARTMENT.
Proprietors' Capital £14,553,000 Government Securities, (in. Rest 3,162,595 eluding Deed WeightAnnuity)£11,312,087
Public Deposits. 7,248,920 Other Securities 9.730,592
Other Deposits 9,912,604 Notes 11,1157455 Seven Day and other Bills.... 1,031,710 Gold and Silver Coln 828,395 £35,986,729 £35,908,729 • Including Exchequer,Sayings Banks. Comm issioners of National Debt &Dividend Accts.
METALS. Per ton.
Copper,Britlah Cakes £84 0 0 .. 0 0 0
Iron, British Ban 5 17 6 .. 8 0 0
Lead, British Pig 16 0 4 .. 10 10 0 Steel, English 0 0 0 .. 0 0 4 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Noy. 23.
S. S. 11. S.
Peals,Hog ... 28-30 Narrow 28 -36 Rye II toll Maple 10 toll Malt, Ord 50-52 Beara,Ticks. 15-27 Barley 21 - 23 White.— 24 - 26 Fine 02-24 Old 29 - 30 Malting 17-28 Boilers ... 28-SO Oats, Feed. 18 to 17 Potato .. 22 -23 Poland .. Is-la Fine. 17-18 Sine. 13 -24 Sine. 19-20 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN. DUTY ON FOBISIGN OORN.
Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wain. Wheat.... 41s. 1d I Rye 23.. 74. Wheat Is. 04. /Rye 15.04. Barley 28 4 I Beans 29 7 Barley 1 0 1 Beans 1 0 Oats .. ... 17 1 1 Peas 30 7 Oats 1 0 I Peas 1 0 Weekly Averages for the Week ending Nov. 17.
Wheat, Mu. 44.-Barley,28..34.-Oats, 16.114.-Rye,231. 74.--Beene, 29s. 74.-Peas, 50s. 7d,
Town-made per sack 401. to 430.
Seconds 37 - 40 Essex and Suffolk.on boerd ship 30 - 38 Norfolk and Stockton 83 - 36 Bran per quarter 0 0 Pollard, tine.
Bread, fief. to 74. the alb. loaf. FLOUR. Cheese, Cheshire 4 Butter--BestFresh,14s. ed. per dom. Bacon, Irish De:cwt. 48..- 602. Hams, York 74 - 84 taw, Preach, per 120, ils. 64 to 7.. 84. Cerro w, 31 les. toll. 17s. per cwt. Derby Plain 46 - 51 PROVISIONS.
NERO,. AND LELDENHALL.. SMITHFIELD.' Hese or CArrus AT r. d. a. d. r. d. s. d. a. d. r. a I . Humanism). Beef .. 2 6 to 3 0 to 3 4 ..... 2 8 to 3 8 to 4 0 Friday. Monde7,,
Mutton 5 10 - 3 2 - 3 8 3 2 - 3 10 - 4 2 Beasts. 1,870 4,221 Vent., 2 10 - 3 4 - 4 0 30-21044 Sheep. 5,000 26,800 Fork.. 3 4 - 4 0 4 8 4 0 - 4 4 - 4 e Calves. 253 125 Lamb. 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 0 u - 1.1 0 - 0 0 Pigs .. 291 ..... 244 • To sink the offal, pars lb.
Kent Pockets Ins. to 1004.
Choice ditto 150 - 242 Sussex Pockets 120 -180 Pine ditto 185 - 218 HOPS. York Regents per ton. 90.. to 100s. Sootch Beds 0 - a Devon. 0 - 0 Kent and Essex Whites 0 - 0 POTATOES.
HAY AND STRAW. Per Load of 118 Trainees.) Cessumwe. Surname. Werrsonarst. Hay, Good 68, to 72. 49.. to 70s. 154.. to 614. Inferior 60 63
Now 0-0 .... . 0 - 0 5- 0 Cover St 30 DO - 85 80 - SI
Wheat Straw 27 - 31 Linseed 011 1 8 0
Itape Oil per ewt. ea 10. 04. 1Aneeee 011-Ceke.... . per 1000 0 10-0 Refined 5 2 0 Candles. per dozen, 5.04. to 5s. RI.
Ceals,Hetton 17s. 94. 'roes 17.. 84. Moulds (64.per doz. 4iseountA7s.0d. OILS, COALS, CANDLES. Seger, Muscovado, per rms nee 14.
West India Redeem 16s. 04. to as. 04, Tea, Bolas, fine, ...per lb. Os. lid, to Os. M.
Coffee, fine (le bond) per sm. 89.. to 110a. Oregon, fine IS -111 Souchong, Dee 1 9 '-2 4 Good Ordinary 45. - 47.. • In Bond-Dety IL Id. per lb. GROCERIES. Prices.) Trams Mann. BRITISH N D B. (Closing MeadayJrumalse per Der t Consols.... 531 94
Si Ditto for Account sal 931 941 LI all 3 rer Cults Reduced 025
sal 93
934 931 31 per Cents 931 asa 931 931 94 Long Annuities 81
at bf
81 Bank Stock ,7 per Cent 199 198 199 — 1595 India Stock, hub 268 234 260
sue Exchequer 13111., lid. per diem
52 pm.
49 50
49 India Bonds, 41 per Cent
95 pm. as 86
131 FORE ON FUNDS. 93 93
BAN RS- Australasian British North American Colonial Commercial of London London and Westminster London Joint Stock
NaLiODDI of Ireland National Provincial Provincial of Ireland
Union of Australia Union of London
Balsams Braellian Imperial Ditto (St. John Del Rey)
Australian Agricultural Canada General Steam Peninsular laid Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South Australian
ill 28f Et 61 514 sof
77 11.4 471 11 isf 30f lot lit 114 79 24
111 10 25 731 411 17 BULLION. Per oz.
Foreign Gold Ln Bars, Standard..- £3 17 9 Foreign Gold in Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 CI 0 New Dollars 0 4 10 Silver in Bars, Standard .. .. ..... 0 4111 Wheat, IL New 36 urn Fine 36-40 Old 36 -33 White 40-41 Fine 44-40 Super.New 40-48