J Liftfollowing Instance:6f :fertility In Blundering-fa...
Elainemear, which so amusingly confounded the liq.,Datpliess of St. Al- )aan'a with Mrs. -Siddons, hut from na gannal instruetOietteme pretension, pat forth under the aanotion......
The Theatres.
After witnessing the performance of Mr. Macready as Othello, on Mon- day, one cannot but be struck with the little effect which he produces on his audience, compared with that......
, La Bo4 , 4 Brigadter., *n Of The Numerous Pieces In
which Lafont diverted me St. James a audiences, nas -,..._.,n• brought out, as the Life Guardsman, at the Princess's. The intrigue on Tn.- -.. f ur „ i s su ffi c i en tly......
Topics Of The Day,
FAREWELL TO THE COLONIES. W7Am is it that her Majesty's Ministers mean to do with her Majesty's Colonial Possessions? A paper in the Times, this week, is calculated to raise......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The English Stock Market remained steady till Wednesday morning; when, in consequence of extensive purchases made to close a large speculative......