The English Stock Market remained steady till Wednesday morning; when, in consequence of extensive purchases made to close a large speculative account, the price advanced nearly 1 per cent, and Consols both for Money and Account reached 941. After a slight reaction, this improved quotation was again reached yeaterday, when it became known that the Bank Directors had reduced their maxirourn rate of discount to 24 per cent. The price gave way again this after- mu; and, after being at 944, the closing quotation is 94/ 4. The only large transactions have been the speculative purchase above mentioned, and two large purchases for money, one on account of the Court of Bankruptcy. It will be in- terred from the proceeding of the Bank Directors that money is still very abun- dant. The reduction of their rate to 24 per cent will have but little influence, as that has long been the highest price paid for the discount of first-rate bills. Con- sols have become so scarce that money is easily obtainable upon the security of this stock at the rate of 1 per cent. In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been quite unimportant, and the business insignificant. Scarcely any semblance of variation has occurred in any of the Stocks usually current ; which, with the exception of Spanish Bonds, are all at nearly the same quotations as last week. Of these latter, the Three per Cents have advanced about 1 per cent, and have been done at 37; while the Active have not experienced any material change, and are not marked higher than 174. shares generally were heavy about the middle of the week, but have recovered again, and are today little below the quotations of Saturday. Attention is begin- song to be attracted to some of the French Shares of those lines in progress or about to be commenced upon the outbreak of the Revolution in 1848, which had fallen to nothing, and have till now been without value in the market. It would appear that arrangements are in progress which, if matured, would give an in- creased value to these properties ; and consequently transactions have occurred in some of them, at prices quite insignificant, except when compared with the neglect in which they have so long lain.
3 per Cent Consols
Y s
Danish 3 per Cents 72 4 Ditto for Account 941 1 Dutch 21 per Cents. • ... • .. 531 41 3 per Cent Reduced
931 1-
Ditto 4 per Cents 82 3 81 per Cents 941 1 Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 ... 261 1 Long Annuities 8 7-16 1 Peruvian 6 per Cents 5l1 231 Bank Stock
Dai 91
Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842 33 4 Exchequer Bills 47 50 pin. Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 83 5 India Stock 259 261 Russian 5 per Cents 107 109 Brazilian 5 per Cents 84 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 17 1 Belgian 41 per Cents 84 6 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 361 1 Chinon 6 perCents 93 97 Venezuela 23 5 Danish 5 per Cents ' 98 100
The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 17th November exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results,- BANKIPhi PEPARTILENT,
Public Deposits
41,563 1,027,150
Other Deposits
£439,585 Seven-day and other Bills
€7,585 Government Securities, Including Dead-weight 94,019
Other Securities
23,294 Rotes unissued 625,265
Actual Circulation
Notes issued 391,225
This week. Last west.
Total Bullion In both Departments 16,037,690 1`,829,912
Actual Circulation
18,181,640 18,415,680
There is no change in prices nor any business of moment occurring, and both the English and Foreign Funds are the same as yesterday. A decline of five cen- times occurred yenterday in the French Funds in Paris. No business has yet occurred in the Railway Share Market, nor are any bargains recorded.