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TEE Queen and Prince Albert went on Thursday to visit the Queen Dowager at Stanmore.
The Dutchess of Kent has been a guest at Windsor Castle. The Duke and Dutchess of Nemours were the Queen's visiters on Monday. Among the other guests of the week have been, the Duke of Wellington, the Duke and Dutchess of Bedford, Sir Robert Peel, Lady Peel and Miss Peel, and the Honourable Mrs. F. Denman.
The Royal Family left Windsor Castle yesterday morning, for Osborne; travelling by the Great Western Railway to Reading and Basingtoke, and thence by the South-western Railway to Gosport.
The Queen Dowager's strength continues to wane. Yesterday's bulletin was as follows—
"The Priory, Nov. 23. "The Queen Dowager had some quiet sleep last night; but her Majesty con- tinues in the same state as daring the last few days.
" DAYID DAvms, M.D."