At it- gplec#,PPO.of the metroOittin =f , pinTtittsioA of :Sewers, yesterdaY, Mr.'
riiink Feeter. was , appointed, gefneer th.)the ,Pannalsaktu,-reaaa practice, man of Ingb Ctudffications, coinpet, 4 devis' a andampermteo• of ibint ,CoinmissiMi; mid to have entire contfol over the at 'a salary of 1,300/. a Year, with 2001. a year foF An454e4freernsetis.°112..' '.
Foster has been many years in Mr. RObert StephensOil and 'hie abilities . and experience were spoken of by the Commissioners in - 'tetins.
In a letter to the' _Daily NeEd Mr. Joseph Hume tehtf meredalous cur.--prise at a statement "that the & tidal'
of' the Society of Art4 ii .' ' ady entered
, into a contract for the erectionefa-buildirig or hall forthe gran bit:ion of the IndustryiofNetiona, in 18.91;, --at anexpenseaf one hundiaidtlidneithd plinndsl I' He believes that the Mansionhonse Committee has never,wietioandipresumes that ' the thin cannot have been clone without the sanction Of that Coiamittee.- hir. P. Terry, a newspaper. agent, contradicts the statisinentthat it is illegal to let out newspapers for hire; the part. of the act of .29 George ILL that bears upon
the Point was repealed by pap. 76 of 6 and 2, William Ili. . . - The "Hall of Commerce" in Threadneedle Street was sold by auction, yester- -day, for 44,9001.. for the site alone (90(10, feet) Mr. Iderxhay had paid about 35,000I.