In the French Assembly, on Thursday, M. Pierre Bonaparte 'defended' 1iss.991uct in _returning freas-4.1geria., .
- He combated with..iaffigna4a, the opinion. that .4.,member of. the ,Legislative. prier vthatever Migtirbe thetemporery nuo,Per.s it, was then,tit.proparte ceafideJ to hie; in 'Virtue of the 85th Shield ef the OnganmBleetoral W could be .detattle contrary tobis will 'at, WffistancelIftein Elie-national sanctuary where liednti,es claimed him. It was important that the Assembly, by a sovereign .dediSffin','' should repress the prepostmans.pretensionsnEa.Government too ready,totliefe-s- g_ard the high character with Nribich tberaprjasentativea of the people were invested:1i: He had :reason tq'kifififT that the,Repahheae,aastitutioas,to which he was ele.voted, borlyitiidIliehl;Were'eesed fekerionis dangera. Though the injustice he Nen-, plantedef 'night breee,infhteneed Inataintfutents towards his colleague and relative M.-LoninBonapartei therequidinot de ea towards the ,Preeldent- of the Republic ; and he Warned the Peeeidoot toadistrust the Countiellors by Whom he was sur- rounded. There was. earLin- pentAcalar; to whose- saggeations tint President readily,. listened,,and to whom*yla be. sicribectis, deplorable acts.- .tAmidot aries of "Name, • • ! " and dairs to order by, the PreSident: hi. Bonaparte pointed to the viteinthea f 111. de-Pariigny.] " Ile theli'Preceeded to state, that he had not re- turned fram-Algierti till his commission 'from General d'Herbillon Was accom- Plittbad■
General. Flautpoul, the hlinister, of War, replied with animation and effect; and concluded by deciming, that if M. Pierre Bonaparte's doctrine were sound, the Government would find itself absolutely unable to confide a mission to a Representative. An order of the day motive, sabinitted• by M. Pierre Bonaparte, was put to the Assembly, and was negatived Without a single vote in its favour. "
Towards the close of the sitting on Thursday, thet.Assembly rejected p, motion by M. Anthony Thoaret, censuring M. Dupin for his partiality as President. , • • .., -
The Denieeratie Nvtia seized on 'Flaersday, for a political libel against die.Piesiabilt and`OevertiMent : it Stated' that the iea,epJ 9f the Republic had not paid his sabscriptien of 50,099 francs _1140as-the "'Cites 91
Ouvriere," •ii 13 salaam.) s sett M4,1111101